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7 things to consider before you buy a forklift

7 Things To Consider Before You Buy A Forklift

Finding the right forklift for your business can be a time-consuming process. 

Whether you plan to buy a new forklift or a pre-owned one, you need to consider certain factors to ensure you get the best one most suitable for your business.

  1. Indoor or outdoor use 

The most important factor to consider is where you intend to use the equipment before hunting for new forklifts for sale. Will you be using it outdoors or indoors? How wide are the aisles and are there sharp corners? How high will it have to lift? 

  1. New or used

Before looking for forklifts for sale, you need to consider whether to get a new one or a pre-owned one. 

If you will use the equipment less than a few hours a week, it may serve you better if you buy a used forklift. Or you may try to consider renting one. There are places that offer forklift hire in Sydney, which may better suit your needs. However, if it will be used for more than 6 hours a day, you may well be better off investing in a new one. 

  1. Capacity

In general, the higher the capacity, the more it will cost. When searching for a new forklift,  consider the current and near-future needs of your business. Measure the estimated lifespan of the forklift against the growth and requirements of your business. 

  1. Mast Height 

When looking at mast height, consider the maximum weight of the load and choose the mast that will suit that load or maybe one that can handle heavier weight. When the forklift is to be used in low clearances, a free lift makes better sense. 

  1. Type of Engine 

You can buy a forklift that is electric, diesel, or even LPG. Electric powered forklifts are commonly used indoors though there are newer models that can operate outdoors. They cost more but can pay for themselves in about two years. LPG forklifts work well indoors and outdoors but require frequent re-fuelling as the tanks are small. Diesel forklifts are mostly large, powerful, and are suited for outdoor use.

  1. Type of Tires

Cushion tires are best for indoor use such as a loading dock or a warehouse. They are more economical and have a tight turning radius. Pneumatic tires are recommended for outdoor use, while static-resistant, polyurethane and cold-prepped tires are meant for specialty applications.

  1. Manufacturer

To lower your costs, you might want to consider buying a new forklift in Sydney from the same manufacturer throughout your fleet. It is also more efficient as operators do not learn how to use different equipment.

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